WEBSHOP: consumer fireworks
Consumer Fireworks: Professional Quality as starting point
For everyone who is interested in the highest quality consumer fireworks available on the market. We are the go to company based in Germany. We deliver one of the best products in the market based on our 25 years of experience with professional fireworkshows. Our philosofy: quality will always proof itself is rooted throughout our company. We use our pyro technical knowledge to develop consumer fireworks in China. Because we have started in our home market Holland we know how to create the best firework displays with a minimum of resources. Due to (ridiculous) restrictive laws in the Netherlands we have been forced to work within very narrow margins. This is the main reason we developed such high quality consumer fireworks. We and even our competitors are using the Heron products frequently for professional firework shows. We see this not only as a compliment but also as the ultimate proof we have made one of the best products in the market. Come try for yourself and look around in the webshop to see our products in action.